Program: InspiringHK Sports Foundation - JC Fit City Community Sports Day (Co-hosted by InspiringHK Sports Foundation)

日期: MAY 2025 (TBC)
場地: 待定

參與資格: 12 - 18 歲的會員
名額: 6 - 8
日期及時間: 2025 年 5 月 25 日
活動時長: 4 小時


Research shows that over 65% of Hong Kong people lack regular exercise. The "JC FIT CITY" encourages citizens to incorporate regular exercises into their lives, aiming to achieve the World Health Organization's recommended level of physical activity per week. This community day aims at educating and inspiring youth and families to build regular sporting habits. Award members can volunteer as part of the event operations team, gaining valuable experience in event management and community outreach, while enhancing their own essential leadership skills.